i’ve been wanting to start a 365 project forever now, but just not sure if i could actually commit to shooting something every day, so instead i’ve decided to start off a little easier and at least just try to post something new every day. at least this way i can cheat and post stuff i shot awhile ago. i’m gonna really make an effort to try to shoot more often though.
so that being said, there will definitely be photos posted that were shot with my trusty iphone, such as this one here. not sure why but i like shooting random bathroom graffiti. saw this just a few days after the movie came out, and found it funny. i have yet to see the movie (cuz my friends suck, and no one wanted to see it), but have obviously heard all the great reviews by now. was hoping to post this sooner but forgot about it. more amazing bathroom graffiti posts to come lol.