april 23rd – one year

well it’s been exactly one year since i’ve started this blog and officially started my photography business. it really doesn’t feel like a year has gone by already!! but at the same time i feel like i’ve grown soooo much in this past year as far as my photography is concerned. i am constantly pushing myself to continue to learn as much as i can and i really hope that it keeps showing through my work!! 

i’ve made 79 posts to this blog in this past year, and one of my goals for this next year to come, is to at least double that. i find one of the hardest things for me to do is to talk about myself, and i hope to post more things about my life in general, along with all of the images that will be going up. i have quite a few other goals for the year i hope will help push my business to the next level. 

i also just want to say a few thanks….

thank you, thank you, thank you to all of the people that i’ve met and shot in the past year, i can’t thank you enough for helping me to do what i love. 

thank you to my pump (&mitchell’s) salon family. i have worked my little rear off the past year to not only start my photography business, but also to begin another career as a hair stylist as well. i am so thankful that i get to do not one, but two things, that i love for a living. i couldn’t ask for a better place to work, and the people that i have met through pump and mitchell’s are truly amazing. they are unbelievably inspiring to me. i am thankful that they have embraced my passion for photography as well, and understand my desire to do both. they have given me the opportunity to shoot some amazing things with them (to be posted soon!!!!) and hope that it is just the beginning.

i also have to say a huge thanks to kristie noel bulach of dolce vita photography, for hiring me to shoot with her and giving me that push to shoot weddings. i honestly never thought that it would be something i was interested in doing, and i have absolutely fell in love with it. she has also never hesitated to help me with business and photography advice, i am truly grateful.

thank you to my friends & family, for supporting me… and for being my models on an insane amount of occasions lol.

and last but not least, thank you to my boyfriend josh kramer. he has been unbelieeeevably supportive of me this past year and i couldn’t have done it without him. he’s the guy that’s always by my side while shooting events or weddings, to assist me in any way that he can. i am so happy to say that he has recently started officially shooting with me. he blows me away with how talented he is, especially when he has only just recently started to pursue photography seriously. i will be adding some more info about josh, in the very near future, to the about page of eleven:11’s website, so that everyone can get to know him a little bit better. 

i am so excited for the second year of business for eleven:11! i have a lot of cool things in the works and a toooon of great shoots & weddings booked, that i can’t wait to shoot and share!! 

🙂 christy