our house: our big comfy couch, new fireplace, and some other randomness

i’ve had tons of people asking me when we’re going to post more pics of our house. if you are somewhat new to this blog, josh + i recently bought our first home about 5 months or so ago. you can view some photos that i took the first day we got the keys here.

i was planning on splitting these posts up into a few different ones, but decided to just go ahead and combine them.

here is what our living room looks like now.

if you follow me on instagram, you may have seen this next photo awhile ago: not a whole lot has changed since then. we hung the mirror in the corner finally and switched out the rug. i received so many inquiries asking where i got the yellow chevron rug. it’s actually 2 5×7 rugs from urban outfitters. (which by the way, i bought on sale for $15 each!! i pride myself on being an amazing bargain shopper 🙂 i absolutely loved the rugs in the living room, but we knew we would eventually want to find something more plush. these rugs are really, really thin. after having them in the living room for not even a month, we also realized that they got dirty super, super easily. we ended up moving them to our bedroom since there is way less traffic there and upgraded to a new rug sooner than we expected.
the next thing we get asked a lot about is our sofa. we fell in love with restoration hardware’s chesterfield sofa forever ago, and while we were saving for our house, we were also saving for a new couch. after doing a ton of comparison shopping, we finally stumbled upon the comfortable couch company. they were literally one of the very few that we found that made chesterfield style sofas. not only did they make the couches themselves, but they are also an american company, while restoration hardware’s are made in china. also, they were about $1000 cheaper than restoration. they were so extremely helpful and answered a ton of questions we had. we were definitely nervous about purchasing a couch that we had never seen in person or could sit on. well we’ve had it for about 4 months now, and we love love love it. we would absolutely recommend them!! we got to choose our length and depth ourselves. it’s (if i remember correctly lol) 119″ long and 46″ deep. i took these next photos the day the couch was delivered. 
we also got to pick the fabric. we went with a worn looking dark gray leather:
to give you an idea of it’s length (just for reference, i’m 5’7″) :
and also it’s depth. i’m sitting all the way against the back of the couch:
i also took this photo of lily that day. she needed a haircut pretty bad at that time lol, but she’s still the cutest:
notice in this next photo, that i took that same day, the fireplace mantle. notice anything different from the new photos??
yes. we painted it. and also cut a huge chunk off the top. now before you call us crazy, this particular fireplace was not original to the house. (the other 3 in our house, however are.) we believe the previous owners may have made it themselves. if it were original we definitely wouldn’t have had the heart to paint it. but it wasn’t, and we needed something to help brighten up the room. all of the dark wood and gray walls were just too much. we love how much brighter and happier it makes the room feel. we also cut it because it was too tall to hang the tv above. we initially hung the tv on one of the walls but hated how it looked. some photos of the process: 
ps. we like to do projects in the middle of the night for some odd reason. we are total night owls. i apologize for the bad lighting.
the after:
the rest of these photos are just a few sneak peeks from around the house. i’ll be doing more thorough posts of each room sometime in the future.
the dining room:

our first floor bath contains nothing but needlepoint/cross stitch/crewel artwork. this is one of the newest additions and one of my favorites:

the kitchen:
front entry way. we have recently begun to meet clients at our home and use this area for our meetings. we are so excited about this and having this area was one of the reasons we fell in love with the house. can’t wait to post more photos from this room, once it is completely decorated.
one of our spare bedrooms. we have one that is more girly and one that is more masculine. this is the “boy” room.
the “girl” spare bedroom. we just hung the wallpaper a few days ago. this room also connects to our second floor bathroom.
our master bedroom which is located on the third floor of our house.
(yes, those are instagram prints. more on those later.)
the side lamps you may remember from this post. also, the aforementioned yellow chevron rug.
our third floor is split up into 2 seperate rooms. you have to walk through the first to get to the second room which also contains a full bath. we turned the second room into a closet area.
last but not least. my horribly messy office. this is the little round room on our second floor, if you happened to look through the first home tour photos. i obviously spend a ton of time in here. it’s still a work in progress, but having my own office is so amazing.
i hope this has you excited to see more, because i can’t wait to show more photos and more of our diy projects around the house!!