Rise of the Cool Kids Sneaker Photobooth

this past saturday, i participated in an event called “Rise of the Cool Kids” in Northside. this was an event put together by some of the young, amazing, and talented creatives that live here in Cincinnati. it took place at the bertke electric factory. it featured local artists, dj’s, musicians, boutiques, as well as a projected fashion show.  shoutouts to just a few of the people responsible for making this event, as well as the fashion show, possible: Cincinnatus KiddSloane Boutique , Corporate, Vintage Goods & Design, OATW, Modern Misfit Classic Genius, Flow, Instrument, Original Thought Required, Brideface, Legit VintageOtherwise Nameless, Style Edit, Parlour, Brush Factory, as well as all of the artists that provided us with music throughout the night, and anyone else that i may be leaving off of the list! Take a minute and give these people some recognition for all of their hard work by visiting their pages!

thank you all so much for having me be a part of this!! 

in the event of celebrating fashion, we had a sneaker photobooth set up so everyone could show off their kicks. here are just a few of my favorites. 

to see the rest of the photos, visit our facebook page at www.facebook.com/eleven11photography

 you can read more about this event and see more photos here and here.