wednesday randomness

Hey guys! I’ve been slacking a little bit this month with my posts, I’ve been working hard on getting a 2012 wedding post together and getting our website up so I apologize for the lull of activity the past few weeks!

If you’re new to this blog, wednesday randomness posts are just that, completely random stuff that I want to share with you guys.

Josh and I have been completely obsessed with the Harlem Shake videos popping up everywhere. If you haven’t seen one yet, get hip. Here is one of the many compilation videos, with a few of the best ones out there at the moment.

I hope everyone had an awesome Valentine’s Day last week. We spent ours cuddled up on the couch eating ice cream and junk food and catching up on The Walking Dead. We had 3 episodes from last season DVRed (is that a word?) that we hadn’t had the time to watch and then the first episode of the new season. We’ve never made a big deal celebrating Valentine’s day and in the past we usually just get each other a card and some candy or something, but Josh totally surprised me with tickets to see Kathy Griffin. I don’t care what anyone says, I think she’s hilarious. Plus, I’ve never actually been to see a standup comic so I’m pretty excited.

If you happened to read my 2013 goals, I mentioned that one of them was making a quilt this year. This was on my 2012 list and I didn’t even get the time to attempt it last year. Well, I finally got a chance to start it. Here’s a few quick shots I took at the beginning of the process and so you can get a little glimpse of what it will look like. I’ll be sure to share some more photos in the future!

What are you up to these days? How are you spending these winter months trapped indoors?