Wednesday Randomness

it’s been a long time since i’ve done one of these posts! it’s actually been quite awhile since i’ve posted in general (over a month! agh!). we took some much needed time this past month to take a vacation, and to work on projects for the upcoming year, as well as get all of our 2013 weddings finished (our last wedding of the year was Dec 28th!).

we just had our first wedding of 2014 this past weekend, so i’ll have some sneak peeks up for you guys soon!! (as well as a ton of posts i didn’t get the chance to post last year, i still have so many awesome weddings to share with you guys!). we are so excited for this year’s wedding season, with over 30 weddings booked we can’t wait to share all of them with you!

a few things we’ve been up to lately…..

like i mentioned above, we went on vacation. it was one of those once in a lifetime opportunites that we just couldn’t pass up. some of our friends were kind enough to invite us along to grand cayman, all we had to do was buy our plane tickets. we couldn’t say no. (just incase anyone was wondering, no we aren’t rolling in the dough and go on vacation every other month lol.) so it was somewhat of a spontaneous trip. it was amazing. hopefully i’ll get my butt in gear this year and finally share with you some personal photos! here’s one that i took while we were there.

you may have seen this one on my instagram. by the way, josh finally joined the instagram party, if you guys want to follow him also! i just love the teeny, tiny little sailboat in this photo. this image was taken with my fuji x100s. i shot 99% of the trip with that camera.

we’ve started building our new photo booth! we’re working on building a container to house all of the equipment into one box. it’s going to be pretty amazing when it’s done! thanks to RDK Sound Design for being the ones to bring this thing to life. *** if you aren’t aware that we now offer printing with our photo booths, be sure to ask us about it!! this is something we added in the middle of last year, so i know not all of our 2014 clients may be aware of it. ***

we are super excited about speaking for Helen Adams’ photography class tonight at UC. (she’s an amazing photographer by the way, you should check out her work.) we’re honored that she asked us, and while we are a little nervous, we always love passing along any advice and knowledge we might be able to give.

we are already beginning to book for 2015, so just a heads up, if interested in having us shoot your wedding please don’t wait around too long to contact us!!

last, but not least, we have a new URL!!!! 

well a few new URL’s.

we are still Eleven:11 Photography, and you can still find us at +, but we’ve noticed how hard it is to explain our site to people.
“well, it’s the word eleven first, then the number 11. yeah just a 1 and a 1. then photo. then dot com.”
this can be pretty confusing. so we wanted something that would be easy to tell people and easy to understand. these URL’s just forward to our site. so the next time you want to tell someone about us, hopefully this makes it a little easier!

hey, we may not be the most stylish photographers ever, or the best photographers ever, or the most attractive photographers ever…… but we are kind of cool, so we went with that. 🙂