this little series used to be known as wednesday randomness, but i’m changing it to weekly. in an attempt to post more often. these randomness posts are just updates about what we’ve been up to lately, things i may love at the moment, thoughts, etc.
so let’s dive in, shall we.
i planted a small garden last year for the first time ever. it was definitely a learning experience. some of my plants did great and some, not so hot. but hey, i’m a newbie, so it’s okay. this year, so far our garden is doing pretty awesome. buuuuut, i definitely screwed up already. i planted some broccoli and it grew so fast. i wasn’t quite sure when it was time to pick it and before i knew it, it started to bloom little flowers. well, if you’re smarter than i am, you would know that you’re supposed to pick it before this happens or it’s pretty much ruined. 🙁 cue, super sad face when i finally googled it and discovered that it should have been picked already. i read that you can cut it and you might get some new smaller sprouts, but nothing like the big heads that you got before. hopefully by sharing this, someone out there might learn from my mistake.
my little brother, dakota, graduated from high school recently! we had a graduation party for him a few saturdays back at our place. here’s just a couple iphone pics. we made a giant jenga game out of some 2×4’s! you can find the tutorial we used here. if you’re wondering how many boards to buy (they don’t give an actual number in the post), i believe we bought 8 eight foot boards.
we always try to put up a photo booth for family parties. not only are they fun, but it saves me from having to worry about getting pictures of everyone that day. here are a few of those!
we had a little bit of a home catastrophe a week or two ago. our house is a 1901 victorian. well, the plaster in our second floor bathroom just came crashing down one day! there were no signs of water damage or anything prior to this happening, except for the normal small cracks that we see in the old plaster throughout our house. we were pretty freaked out that there may be major water damage or something up there, but after pulling it all down we realized that it was just old and had separated from the wood slats. apparently this is something that is somewhat common in old houses? (i’m now extremely paranoid that the rest of our ceilings may come crashing down at any time.) anyone ever dealt with this before? thankfully my dad came over and helped josh hang some sheet rock. it still needs sanded and finished, crown molding put up, and the whole room needs repainted. we may possible get a new sink while we’re at it. i adore old houses, but i have to say that we’ve learned over the past 2 years that they can be a lot of hard work. we still have so many projects left to do to this house. i’ll update you guys when we get it finished!
until next time guys! feel free to leave some comments below if you have any gardening advice, or any advice on finishing our bathroom!