family : carly, jeff, landon + scarlett : findlay market

i’ve been taking photos of this family since landon was 3 months old. i can’t believe he is so big now and has a new baby sister. scarlett is 5 months and landon is now 2. it makes my heart so happy when people continue to come to me for photos and i get to see babies and families grow. 
we hung out at findlay market for this family session. thank you carly, jeff, landon and scarlett for spending some time with me.
thanks to my little sister, erin, who tagged along for this shoot. she’s been taking some photography classes in high school and has been assisting us lately. a few of these photos are hers. 🙂
oh, and we can’t forget frank. landon’s monkey.
one of my favorite photos from the day.
we tried to get one more family shot before leaving and landon wasn’t having it. lol. i still love this photo though just because carly and jeff’s laughs are so adorable. the fun of dealing with a toddler.